Warm greetings from Thailand – August 2009

By Alejandro Cardiente Pastor Brian Wilson, an ordained pastor from Adventist church in Thailand Chiang Rai spent his weekend with our Mien members in Pangkhon church. Pastor Brian conducted a weekend spiritual revival while reviewing the baptismal vows with our four baptismal candidates. The baptismal candidates went through a lot of struggle because Satan was … Read more

Big Results in Mindanao – July 2009

Our first story comes from another strife torn region. North of Davao and south of Agusan del Sur (NPA Hotspot) is Mt Diwata. It is a rugged area in many ways. Life is hard there. The main industry is Gold Mining. Here are some photos by Nana Buxani a Philippine Filmmaker Inside a Gold Mine … Read more

June 2009

The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand;Mark 1:15 For this months report will start in Africa. This area is growing and has the potential to grow rapidly. Our church is working hard in Africa to heal wounds. The church is pouring many resources into this region, but there is a … Read more

Incredible Stories from Southern Mindanao – May 2009

From deep inside Muslim territory comes our report from A.A.M.I. Ministers. This region is famous for the struggle for religious autonomy and freedom. Sadly the news is often about violence from South Cotabato. But God is working here. He will not leave sincere people in darkness. People are hungry for true Christianity. Faith that is … Read more

April 2009 Baptisms

Northeastern Mindanao Mission Candidates for baptism in Northeastern Mindanao. Hundreds of baptismal candidates lining up inside the church before their baptism ============================================================== Southwestern Mindanao Mission 290 Precious souls accepted Jesus as their personal Savior Baptism in Southwestern Mindanao.                    

Baptism in Thailand – January 2009

By Pastor Chanchai Kiatyanyong Dear Adopt a Minister, Adventist baptism in Thailand. Thank you very much for your great support for God’s work in Thailand. I have been to Ban Phayapitpat Church for organizing an evangelistic meeting and there were 10 baptized.   On behalf of Thailand Adventist Mission we would like thank you for … Read more