Family Comments

Disabled but Determined By Jesus Gellangcanao Yes God is working in you to help you want to do what pleases him. Then he gives you power to do it. Philippians 2:13 I have a sister who is one of a kind. She is an inspiration to all of us her siblings, especially to me. Though … Read more

Mary Grace Fundraiser

Adopt a Minister Fundraiser My name is Mary Grace. I live in Denham Springs, Louisiana, USA with my adoptive parents. This is my story. I was born with a handicap. My right arm is a “stump” and my right leg is small and 8 inches shorter than the left, with only three toes. I had … Read more

February 2012

God Affirmed my Calling By: Pastor Gerwin Rotula – adopted minister working as Mlang-Tulunan District Evangelist The Lord has been so good to us in the past months while doing His work here in Southern Philippines. I was assigned to work as an assistant of the District Pastor in Mlang-Tulunan to do ground preparation for … Read more

So Many to Hug

Reva Lachica Moore Have you ever hugged a taxi driver? Now you’re probably asking – Who would hug a taxi driver unless you have a good reason why? Two weeks ago while Mary Grace and I were in Atlanta attending the General Conference Session, we took a taxi from our hotel to the Georgia World … Read more

Man with no arms, no legs, but he has Jesus

Erlinda Ubod, a young mother expecting her third baby, told her husband Noel to hurry and get the midwife. Her contractions were getting stronger and closer together. She knew it was time. Having normal deliveries with her first two children, she was full of anticipation and excitement. However, that morning nothing prepared her for the … Read more

Dealing with Disappointment

Reva Lachica Moore The other day I heard this quote: “You can make all the plans you want but God has already made His and He doesn’t feel like He needs to check in with you.”We all make plans, even do our homework and spend a great deal of time in details to guarantee success … Read more

How Do You Measure Success?

Reva Lachica Moore “I’ve been so depressed lately. I wonder what else is out there. What do I have to look forward to? I feel I’m not successful at all,” said my young friend Brad. “Why would you say that? You’re successful in your business. Don’t you like what you do?” I countered. When you … Read more

The Filipino Teacher

Reva Lachica Moore Most schools all over the nation started last week, and even though I no longer have children in school, something triggered flashbacks in my mind. When I was in grade school in the Philippines many years ago, a typical study night at home would start after supper. My siblings and I would … Read more

A Man of Faith

Reva Lachica Moore When I first embarked on my project of helping unemployed ministers and students in the Philippines 8 years ago, I didn’t have any idea that I would need around $50,000 per month to send for monthly salaries and school aid for over 400 adopted ministers and dozens of theology students. And often, … Read more

In Heaven’s Eyes

Reva Lachica Moore I entered the small and almost empty store and walked straight to the opened door at the back. Outside, behind the store, a young girl was cooking on a dirt stove. “What are you cooking?” I asked. “I’m boiling bananas,” she replied without looking at me. That was two years ago when … Read more