1,496 BAPTISMS for Jan-Feb 2021

1,496 BAPTISMS for Jan-Feb 2021 This number should be higher because not all the missions have sent their reports. God’s work in the Philippines continues even with the strict government rules of wearing masks, social distancing and limited capacity inside churches. If caught, the person may have to pay a fine and can be put … Read more

2,700 Baptism

2,700 Baptisms in 2020 – Result of an adopted minister’s work up in the Mountains UPDATE of Pastor Nehlu Torres’ work with the Subanen Tribes people. The road up to the mountains is rugged and muddy during rainy season, which is several months of the year in the Philippines. But the 93-mile distance does not … Read more

2020 Christmas Gift-giving

2020 Christmas Gift-giving…. Three non-SDA friends sent us funds for Christmas Gift-giving to hundreds of impoverished children in 4 areas in the Philippines. They saw the pictures of the children that the adopted ministers had sent to me. Around 600 children received flip flops, food and toys. Dozens of prisoners also received presents in 2 … Read more

Adopt a Minister International – December 2020

Adopt a Minister International – December 2020 A Blind Leading the Blind In 2007 while I was in the Philippines, I was told that a couple wanted to talk to me. Waiting for me were Brother Al and his wife. Brother Al asked if I could place him under the “Adopt a Minister” program and … Read more

Our Theology graduates from Laos: Noy and Kou

Our Theology graduates from Laos: Noy and Kou (Adopt a Minister International – https://www.a-a-m.org) For over four years, they stayed at Mountain View College in the Philippines to take theology. Kou has not been back to his home in Laos in those 4 years. Noy was able to visit his home just one time. Like … Read more

1,355 Baptisms in the Philippines

Adopt a Minister International – “Send Labourers Into His Harvest” (https://www.a-a-m.org) On March 16, 2020, the Philippine President announced strict home quarantine measures for the people in the Philippines, shut down transport networks, and ordered businesses to close or operate remotely to control the spread of the corona virus. There are 7,100 islands in the … Read more

Baptism Report for April 2020

For the month of April, there were only 109 baptisms due to the lockdown. But we are praying for the virus to soon be gone and the work to share Jesus will continue. Luke 10: 2 “Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord … Read more

Thousands Accepted JESUS CHRIST through Baptism – First Quarter of 2020

Thousands Accepted JESUS CHRIST through Baptism During this pandemic, our adopted ministers in the Philippines are staying at home starting March 15 up to the present time because of the Philippine president’s quarantine orders, which means very few baptisms in the past 2 months. But, I wish to share the BAPTISMS of 2019 and the … Read more