Hello from Mary Grace

Hello from Mary Grace!

(sorry if this seems long BUT I only write once in a blue moon, so please bear with me and read all the way to the end 🙂

Mom Reva left for the Philippines on February 6th so I’m holding down the fort. At first she didn’t want to go (the last time she went home was almost 6 yrs ago.) But after praying earnestly and asking for God’s direction, peace overcame her and she felt compelled to go. She’s met a lot of adopted ministers: Those who are still under AMI, those who are now employed by the local conferences and those who are praying to be under the ministry one day.

She was interviewed by two SDA programs in the Philippines and she has given inspirational talks to the adopted ministers and leaders of several local conferences. She got to witness a mass baptism in Davao City. The picture above was taken of her with some of the new adopted ministers on the day of the mass baptism. Praise God! I’m sure she will have many stories of miracles and God’s amazing love and pictures to share when she gets back home.

It’s very humbling to be a part of this ministry. As a young child I always wished to one day use my God-given gift for the Lord’s work. It was very challenging growing up having only a stub and limping due to a right leg that’s 8 inches shorter and smaller. Can you imagine all the disappointments. All the rejections. All the name callings. All the heartaches. All the pain that led me to believe I was a mistake!

Many times I cried myself to sleep because no matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried to fit in and to feel like I belong it seemed so far-fetched, I felt empty! Then one day I realized God’s given me a wonderful gift of playing the piano (I’m thankful first and foremost to my grandparents for believing in me and for their support and my two piano teachers: Mrs. S. Javellana and the late Mrs. R. Maraon for their dedication and patience in teaching me) that’s meant to be shared; I started to feel like things are finally falling into place. God has always been a constant in my life. I’m so glad He never left me! He’s always reminded me in my brokenness that “I am fearfully and wonderfully made!”

As I grew older, I was blessed that He’s given me a prayerful support system who’s had helped me heal. I was also blessed that He sent me to this wonderful family here in Louisiana who are very giving and passionate about doing something for Him. They’ve encouraged and supported me as I live out my purpose in life for God’s glory!

It’s not always easy to travel by myself with my condition, in fact, I broke my right femur back in 2014 and went through two major surgeries on my way to a concert. But to know that even in my own little way, I can help these adopted ministers’ dream become a reality by talking about them at my concerts; and to see their fortitude and dedication in the Lord’s work despite all the challenges they face inspire me to do what I do.
For the past many years, you’ve always been there for us and the adopted ministers. Most (if not all) of them have had spent sleepless nights and worked painstakingly as they try to stay in school for many years just to be able to heed God’s call for them to serve Him. They often said that had it not been for AMI who supported them (are supporting them) until they can work under a local conference, they would have left the ministry…their first love.

We thank you our beloved sponsors for you are truly God’s biggest blessing to these adopted ministers. It is because of your commitment that they can fulfill their dream to reach precious souls with God’s good news of Salvation! We thank you for your sacfrices and prayers. We pray that He will bless you always so we can continue to work hand in hand for the furtherance of His cause and hopefully be able to do so until He comes!
As I turn “40” next month, I sometimes wonder if I’ve made even just a small difference in this world. But in knowing that many souls have been brought to Jesus’ feet because your generous support and fervent prayers for these adopted ministers; no fame or fortune can even come close! I was offered the “world” in exchange of not mentioning God (who is the One and Only reason of my being) or the ministry; but I know everything in this world is temporary. As we await God’s soon return all that really matters in the end is our relationship (and that our heart is right) with Him. I pray everyday that I can live for Him and lead a life that’s pleasing in His sight and for His honor and glory. He’s the heartbeat of all that I do!

Please share our mission/ministry to your family and friends so they, too, can experience the incomparable joy winning souls for our Lord brings! Thank you so much for your prayers and financial help. We will send a tax-deductible receipt for your financial gift. I’d like to let you all know that our donations are so low. Each month we are late in sending stipends and able to send only half stipend ($60) to most of the 280 adopted ministers. Any amount you can send is a huge help to God’s workers. You may send help through:

Our website (we’re on the process of updating our website):


Our new mailing address:
18027 Glen Park Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70817

Love and prayers,

Mary Grace (Feb 2019)

Marvin Cedron’s Story

Adopt a Minister International A first-ever Communion for the Sama Muslim Brethren Marvin Cedron is one of hundreds of adopted ministers in the past 18 years of the “Adopt a Minister” Program. Two years ago, I received this e-mail: Dear Sir Glenn/Linda & Ma’am Reva, To God be the glory! I was just ordained to … Read more

889 were baptized in December 2018

Adopt a Minister International 889 were baptized in December 2018 (This number should be higher because not all of the missions have sent their baptism report.) “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14 Seven local … Read more

“Committed To Serve God”

What is it about the “blue” shirt? And how does one qualify to own one? Answer: To own a blue shirt with the back label that says: “Committed To Serve God” – makes an Adopted Minister feel a “sense of belonging” to something that God had made for them. For so many years, before Adopt … Read more

Adopted Ministers List

Adopt a Minister’s (adopted ministers) List **not all the adopted ministers are on this list… ABARING, HERNAN P. Encarnacion, Lener Narciso, Edwin Abella, Jezreel Enerio, Jeramel Nicolasora, Adrian Abiud, Andrew ENGAÑO, LUKE Niere, Cradioniell Agrade, Hanzel Esconde,Jimrel Nietes, Denver S. Agustino , Eldy Esmino, Sam Nobleza, Prince Ahdon Alabata, Rafhnold Espinosa, Marcelino Nombre, Jonathan Alcanzare, … Read more