51,000 Precious Souls were Baptized in 2018 in Mindanao (Philippines)

Adopt a Minister International

51,000 Precious Souls were Baptized in 2018 in Mindanao (Philippines)

I had a dream…
Last September 2018, I dreamed that I was walking on a long, narrow path on top of a hill. A tall woman was walking on my right, but I couldn’t see her face. I could hear her voice and could see her hands making circular motions and pointing to places. She said, “This is where your work has started. That is where your work has gone, and there (she pointed farther up), that’s where we are going.”

When I woke up, I was puzzled by the dream. Two days later, my sister-in-law, Letty, called from California. She told me about the AWESNA medical mission that she was going to in Davao (Philippines) in February 2019. “You should come with us so we can go to your hometown after the medical mission,” she said. “And also, the AWESNA people are asking if your “adopted ministers” can help do the groundwork for the evangelism part of the AWESNA Mission.” (Davao is far away and in the most southern part of Mindanao Island in the Philippines. I’ve never been there.)

I got excited about the idea of going home to the Philippines to see the work of our adopted ministers, but then I got stressed. I have not gone back to the Philippines in 6 years so, I did not want to go!

But I contacted Darlene Sabandal, our AMI Philippine Coordinator, right away. Darlene placed 15 adopted ministers (10 from Davao Mission and 5 from Southern Mindanao Mission) to start the groundwork for the AWESNA Evangelism.

Two months later, my sister-in-law called back asking why I wouldn’t go and what is making me stressed. As she spoke, I prayed and instantly, God gave me peace. I felt I needed to go back home. For 2 months, I helped babysit my new grandbaby and my son gave me money for a plane ticket.

I went home with my sister-in-law and my oldest brother.
I checked on some of the adopted ministers and saw their situations. Just the traffic alone was enough to get me discouraged. I saw the sacrifice that they do every day for God’s work. How can they provide for their families with such meager stipends. (Note: Because our funds are so low, the majority of them without sponsors receive only $60 each month. Those with sponsors receive $130 each month.) And yet, they are so faithful in doing the Lord’s work.) I feel I have it so good in the US compared to them.

Our Philippine coordinator had contacted all the adopted ministers in the Mindanao area to get together during the mass-baptism. They became excited upon hearing that I was going to be there. Many of them had to take the bus and traveled as near as 2 hours and as far as 12 hours away.

Praise God for the great harvest. Through the years, I’ve received hundreds of baptism pictures from our adopted ministers, but that day (February 16, 2019) was my first time to witness a MASS Baptism with them involved. Note: A family with 5 children (I call them Filipino-Caucasians) and their mother, woman to my left, were baptized that day. But their father, who was also going to be baptized, had a stroke and was at the hospital while the 6 went to the pool for baptism.

I was moved to tears. Precious souls started coming into the pool until it got very crowded. I was told that 266 precious souls were baptized that day, and there were others being baptized in another place at the same time. Pastor Pliney Fondevilla prayed many times before each baptism.

The TOTAL BAPTISM starting December to February for the AWESNA Medical Mission/Evangelism TOTALED to 1,513 precious souls (because of the hard work of 15 adopted ministers). We know all of heaven rejoiced that day. Thanks to the adopted ministers, brethren, ministers for all your hard work.

(WE also had an AMI Get-together that night and so adopted ministers from all over Mindanao came to the mass baptism and the Get-together).

During the “Adopted Ministers” Get-together, the President of the South Philippine Union Conference spoke. He said that South Philippines (Mindanao where we have around 200 adopted ministers) is one of the top soul-winning areas in the whole world. South Philippines (Mindanao with 6 local missions) baptized 51,000 precious souls in 2018 and that half of this number was done by the work of the adopted ministers.

To God be the glory!

And so, to our sponsors of Adopt a Minister International, we (JR, Mary Grace and hundreds of adopted ministers and myself) are so grateful to you all for your faithful support and prayers through the years.This is our 19th year and with God’s blessings, we hope to continue doing our volunteer work.

Again, to God be the glory!

Please share this story with your family and friends who would like to help finish the work so Jesus would come.

Our Adopt a Minister website is: https://www.a-a-m.org

Or you may send your check to:
Adopt a Minister International
18027 Glen Park Dr
Baton Rouge, LA 70817

I will send you a tax-deductible receipt.

I thank you so much for your big help to God’s workers – the adopted ministers.

We love you and God bless you,
Reva, JR & Mary Grace