1,710 Baptisms for September 2018
Matthew 24:14…“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
1710 precious souls accepted Jesus last September 2018, thanks to the faithful work of our hundreds of adopted ministers, mission pastors and brethren. (This number should be higher because not all the missions gave their report).
Davao Mission (204), Northeastern Mindanao Mission (148), Southern Mindanao Mission (71), Zamboanga Peninsula Mission (954), North-Central Mindanao Conference (105), Central Visayan Conference (9), Western Mindanao Conference(117), Central Luzon Conference (25) and the following adopted ministers under other missions: Onlee Entia (Negros Occidental Conference) reported 40, Jessie Molina and Fedil Kasila reported 26. Ron Adlai Fajilan reported 11. To God be the glory!
To all our sponsors, thank you for your prayers and continued support of the adopted ministers. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless you.
Reva Moore
(Adopt a Minister International)