June 2017-Baptism Report

2,130 precious Souls Accepted Jesus
Adopt a Minister International

2,130 Precious Souls Baptized in Northeastern Mindanao Mission

In the months of April, May and half of June 2016, there were 2,130 precious souls who accepted Jesus through baptism. Our 25 adopted ministers in NEMM played a big role in the Lord’s work there. Praise God for this great harvest.

Note from Reva Moore (Founder of Adopt a Minister International): It’s almost the end of June and once again, I am asking for your help through prayers and financial support. We still have 6 missions with a total of around 200 adopted ministers that do not have stipends for June. I have sent stipends to only 5 missions with small numbers of adopted ministers. I feel very badly for them, especially those with families. We are praying that our 3ABN Interview this coming July 5 will be blessed and we will find new sponsors for the adopted ministers who no longer have sponsors.

We are praying for Jesus to bless you and also touch your heart. Thank you so much and God bless!

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