152Accepted Jesus Christ through baptism in Davao Mission
By Pastor Alvin Exclamado, adopted minister of Davao Mission
September 22, 2012 was the culmination of the SABBATH SCHOOL Small Group Convention held in Davao Mission. I am one of the adopted ministers who did the ground work before the convention. Praise God for the Holy Spirit had touched 152 of those whom we gave Bible studies; they decided to accept Jesus as their personal Savior through baptism.
At this time, I am still giving Bible studies together with my co-adopted minister, Pastor Rubin Palmes in preparation for another crusade in the Buhangin District under the supervision of our district pastor, Pastor Jerry Jose. I thank all of our sponsors for your continued support of Adopt a Minister. May our loving Lord bless you all for your big help to God’s work here in Davao Mission.