By Pastor Alejandro Cardiente, Filipino minister in Thailand:
The Mien camping is over. Campers exchanged farewells. I have many things to
thank God. First, for the successful Mien camping 2006. Second, the baptism which resulted to 5 precious souls. Third, no one got sick of the extreme cold weather.
It was a very stressful but happy time for me leading the camping activities inside and outside the church. We had 3 worship services each day, morning, midday and evening. I’m so glad that the church was energized by the Spirit. Sir Brian (AFM) was the lead speaker.
How refreshing and renewing it is to see people accept Christ! There was a lot of crying while the officiating pastor buried them in the water and there were lots of hugging after the baptism.
Pi Jioun and his wife (the spirit worshiper) together with their 17-year-old son were baptized and so with the two Mien youth. It is heart moving seeing them come out from the water with the life of Jesus with them. I wasn’t able to hold my tears.
To detail this story would be too long. But we will see them all in heaven. Please tell all the sponsors that their sacrificial money is not wasted. They are helping bring the lost into Jesus fold. Many thanks.
I’m asking all of you to continue to pray for the Mien work. To God be the glory! Great things He hath done! The Mien people are excited for the 3rd camp out next year.
I’ll update you more next e-mail. I’m rushing to Nan province to the bus station. Eight young people came from Huai fai. I will let them ride the bus while I go by bicycle. The kids are so happy.
I’m praying for you and the Adopt a Minister Program. Thank you so much for your support for the work here in Thailand. Looking forward to having the two new Filipino ministers here soon.
For the Mien, Alejandro (Jhun) Cardiente