2,484 is the Total Baptisms reported for November 2017
Seven local missions sent their baptism reports and pictures for November. One adopted minister from RAM also sent his report. The number should be higher because not everyone has sent their reports yet.
Southern Mindanao Mission = 240, Central Visayan Conference = 20, Davao Mission = 799, Northeastern Mindanao Mission = 347, North-central Mindanao Conference = 326, Zamboanga Peninsula Mission = 255, Western Mindanao Conference – 477, RAM = 10
Praise God for the hard work and dedication of the adopted ministers who are sharing the “good news” of Salvation. Many are accepting Jesus.
Thanks so much for your prayers and continued support of God’s workers. Your help allows them to provide for their families as they share the “good news.” To God be the glory! We thank God for you each day. We pray that you would continue to support God’s ministry until He comes back to take us home! What a glorious day that will be!
God bless you,
Reva JR & Mary Grace