Over 8,000 BAPTISMS in Southern Mindanao Mission
Please help us! We are very low on funds. We do not have enough for stipends each month, and often, we are late in sending stipends. Of the 300 adopted ministers, only around 100 of them have sponsors and so we are always pleading with God for miracles. We thank our sponsors for your prayers and financial support. May God continue to bless you without limit. We are also praying that the Holy Spirit will touch hearts and many more will send donations to help God’s workers.
Reva Moore (Founder of Adopt a Minister International)
The 40 adopted minister of Southern Mindanao Mission who are under Adopt a Minister International, the Gospel Outreach workers, mission workers and brethren of Southern Mindanao Mission worked together doing evangelism, which resulted to over 8,000 baptisms during the first three months of 2015.
Bill Tucker of the Quiet Hour and Fred Webb of Gospel Outreach were the speakers during the Evangelistic Crusade last March where 4,000 precious souls were baptized in 3 swimming pools. Thirty ministers baptized the over 4,000 souls in 3 swimming pools. Twenty former adopted ministers are now employed in SMM. To God be the glory!