March 2024 Baptisms

God be praised!

Jesus is soon to come! The Holy Spirit is being poured out in these last days and 2,227 precious souls accepted Jesus through baptism. Thanks to the faithful work of our 350+ adopted theology graduates, mission workers, church officers and brethren).

SM/SCMM = 403, CVC = 62, WMC = 42, WVC = 205, DM/NDM = 219, ZPM = 83, CMM = 48, CLC/CM = 34, SCM/NEMM = 975, NCMC = 70, NOC = 20, RAM = 44, Samar = 21. Total 2,227

Thank you so much to the sponsors of Adopt a Minister International for your prayers and financial support. This ministry that started in the Year 2000 has helped bring many precious souls to Jesus.

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Our adopted ministers do daily home visitations giving Bible studies and also conduct cottage meetings for neighborhoods. Many of them travel long distances to do this.

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Two adopted ministers who took it on their own to fix or build houses for the poor have finished 6 houses and now starting on the 7th house. They do the building during the day and give Bible studies in the evenings. I send $500 for materials per house when we have extra funds. The adopted ministers usually receive $130 per month. To these two who are fixing the houses, I give them and extra $150 each for their labor besides their $130 monthly stipend. They have children in college.

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Our Prison Ministry in several places are reporting that many inmates are finding Jesus in these very difficult situations. We provide meals for them during Sabbath. To God be the glory!

We are praying that may Jesus bless you and move you to help our unemployed theology graduates under Adopt a Minister International. We have 350+ adopted theology graduates. Sad to report that I was able to send only $30 for them (not the $130) for April because we are not receiving much donations anymore.

Adopt a Minister International website:

Our address:
Adopt a Minister International
18027 Glen Park Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70817

Cell phone: 225-664-8174

Thank you all for your faithful support through the years. So looking forward to heaven. God bless, Reva, JR & Mary Grace