February 2024 Baptisms

February 2024 Baptisms in the Philippines

To GOD be the GLORY! The Good News of Salvation is being shared to many before our Jesus’ Soon Return. Last February 2024, hundreds had accepted Jesus as their personal Savior

Philippine Baptisms: CVC 62, ZPM 30, CMM 53, NCMC 303, SeCM/NeMM 176, NDM/DM 72, WMC 41, CLC/CN 52, NOC 63, SAMAR 15, RAM 83, Anahao Jail 8. Total 958 Precious Souls

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Two of our adopted ministers took it on their own to build houses for the poor. They do the carpentry work from morning until 4:00 pm, and then do home visitations in the evenings and give neighborhood meetings at night. Six families now have little houses with roofs that wouldn’t leak and so they are very grateful. God be praised!

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HOME VISITATION is the most effective way to share Jesus. Our adopted ministers spend lots of time visiting people in their homes walking through rugged and muddy terrain. Many of the houses are far away.

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Each Sabbath, our Jail Ministry provides food for the baptized inmates and so they look forward to Sabbath services. Thanks to Pendy Flor and her group. God be praised!

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A DOZEN GRANDMAS have COOKED FOOD each Sabbath. Thanks to Lorie and Noel for extending them help through Adopt a Minimum Int’l. To God be the glory!

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A Birthday Celebration

Someone gave Mary Grace a birthday present during her last birthday and Mary Grace donated the money for Gift/Food-giving to the poor.

We still have 350+ adopted theology graduates under Adopt a Minister International. May you be blessed and be moved by the Holy Spirit to support God’s work and workers so we could send them monthly stipend ($130 per month). Every dollar donation that we receive goes to the Lord’s work. We three do this ministry with NO PAY, but God has always provided for us.

We will send you a tax-deductible receipt.

We thank all of our sponsors and donors through the years. This is Adopt a Minister International’s 24th year. Over a thousand theology graduates had been under Adopt a Minister International and several are mission leaders today. God be praised!

Adopt a Minister International website: https://www.a-a-m.org

AMI Address:

Adopt a Minister International
18027 Glen Park Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70817

Phone: 225-664-8174

NOTE: I have been very sick since September 26, 2023. But praise God, I am recovering a little every day. My husband, JR Moore, had the flu last December and was admitted. We both are slowly getting our energy back. Mary Grace has been doing most of the computer work of our ministry in the past months and she does a very good job. We’d like to continue our volunteer work for Jesus until He comes. (JR Moore and Reva Moore are now ages 75). We thank you all for your continued support through prayers and finances.

Matthew 24:14 “And this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preach in all the world for a witness to all nations, and then shall the end come.”

So looking forward to His soon return. We love you all and God bless,
Reva, JR and Mary Grace