Our Theology graduates from Laos: Kou and Noy
(Adopt a Minister International)
For four years, they stayed at Mountain View College in the Philippines to take theology. Kou has not been back to his home in Laos in those 4 years. Noy was able to visit his home just one time. Like thousands of students everywhere, after years of hard work and sacrifices, they were looking forward to graduation, but the corona virus canceled the graduation ceremony. They wanted to go home to Laos last April 5 without “marching” during the re-scheduled graduation in June. But that didn’t happen due to the “lockdown” in the Philippines. So, they are still at the college. I wish you both Kou Xiong and Phetthaboon Noy Savath God’s blessings as you wait to be in the Lord’s work in your country – Laos.
The other four theology graduates in the picture are: Tong Thor who first wrote me in 2009 when he asked for help to go to theology school. His e-mail made me cry. “Ma’am Reva, my people are dying without knowing Jesus. Please help me go to Mountain View College to take Theology.” I had to find sponsorship for Tong. Then, three friends: Singkham Kham Phouliphan and his brother Saisavanh Noah (Noy) and Bounthan Lee also wrote asking if I could find them sponsors for their theology schooling in the Philippines. A group of “former” American students missionaries sent support for them through Adopt a Minister International. Today the 4 are sharing Jesus to their people. I’m praying that Kou and Noy will soon join them, for Jesus is soon to come. To God be the glory!
Thank you so much to our sponsors and to the Penguins for your big help to our Laos theology graduates.
Adopt a Minister International website: https://www.a-a-m.org
Thanks so much and God bless,
Reva, JR & Mary Grace