This part of the story below is written by my son Adam:
“One evening, the beach had a large number of people still out. The sunset was “out of this world” gorgeous. Still had people staying in the water ‘til the sun went fully down. Suddenly, I saw something in the water! The shark would have been easily spotted had it been daylight still. The shark made its way all the way into the shallow waters unseen. I simply saw its giant fin come out the water and my heart stopped. I immediately knew it was a shark. There was only one shark. I pointed it to the woman standing close by. “Shark!” She started screaming. “Shark! Shark!” And thankfully the people started to yell to tell people to get away from the left and to the right. The screaming worked because the shark did go left, and then right towards the people. The fear in people’s faces was indescribable as they scampered to safety. I’ve only heard about shark attacks on TV and we were so close to one.” ~ Adam
I heard about this shark encounter only the other day when Adam called. My prayers of thanks went up to heaven, for that was a dreadful close call. I also thank God for creating the shark with a fin that sticks out of the water and can be seen to warn people when it comes close. (Picture of shark taken from the internet).