Baptism Report – December 2023

Adopt a Minister International December 2023 Baptisms = 1,779 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14 To God be the glory! 1,779 precious souls accepted Jesus through baptism last December 2023. Thanks to the hard … Read more

Adopt a Minister International “Send Labourers into His Harvest.”

Dear Friends, As the year 2023 comes to a close, we praise God for His boundless blessings and infinite love and care. Whatever trials we experience in our lives here on earth remind us of our great need of our Savior! Here is a compilation of some of pictures of baptisms and other activities of … Read more

October 2023 Baptisms = 1,298 Precious Souls

Adopt a Minister International October 2023 Baptisms = 1,298 Precious Souls Thank You to all our faithful sponsors through the years. The Holy Spirit is being poured out in the Philippines and many are accepting Jesus. Our website: God bless you all! Reva, JR & Mary Grace

Praise the Lord for the 1,933 prices souls who accepted Jesus through baptisms!

Praise the Lord for the 1,933 prices souls who accepted Jesus through baptisms. So many are hungry for the WORD and praise Jesus about this, for He is soon to return. Our 350+ adopted ministers share Jesus through every day home visitations, young people’s activities, and crusades. These excited and spiritual young people were called … Read more

Over 80,000 Baptisms in 2021

Over 80,000 Baptisms in Year 2021 in the Philippines Adopt a Minister International – “Send Labourers into the Harvest” During the covid years (2020 – 2021), I mentioned in my monthly newsletters about the strict Philippine government rules, which affected evangelism in the Philippines. But praise God, it did not affect the yearly baptisms. Instead, … Read more

“I Found Jesus in Prison”

“I Found Jesus in Prison” by Reva Lachica Moore Thousands of men and women are incarcerated and for those given life sentences or assigned to death row, there is nothing to look forward to. Yet, many of them find something or someone that they have been missing their whole life while in jail. Indeed, God … Read more

Rolled Up Like a Scroll

“Rolled Up Like a Scroll” by Reva Lachica Moore We are thankful to our sponsors for your dedication in helping the adopted ministers continue to work for our Lord through your generous donations and prayers. – God bless, Reva & J.R. & Mary Grace Does God talk to us in dreams? Yes, He sometimes does. … Read more

A “Saul to Paul” Conversion Story

Pastor Wahab’s AMAZING “Saul to Paul” Conversion Story by ~Reva Moore (Adopt a Minister International) It was the only way of life that he knew. As a young boy, Wahab was already bearing arms. Both sides of his family were leaders of the Moslem Group in Southern Philippines. He was only 9 years old when … Read more