Please help this poor family

Pastors Cloyd and Dionesio (adopted ministers) were giving Bible studies to this poor family when they noticed the holes on the roof. It’s rainy season in the Philippines and so I can only imagine how tough it is for this family at this time. I, myself, had experienced the many sleepless and “soaked to the … Read more

“A Stray Bullet” by Reva Lachica Moore

“A Stray Bullet” by Reva Lachica Moore (Written in 2014) Tonight I couldn’t sleep. I feel that the stillness of the night could suddenly erupt into a violent chaos. I couldn’t help but think about our current world situation: the growing unrest and tensions in many places, the super typhoons, erupting volcanoes, wildfires – just … Read more

“My Anxious Cry” by Reva Lachica Moore

“My Anxious Cry” by Reva Lachica Moore Every morning I take time to begin my day with a prayer. And this is after I had already prayed for that day’s events the night before. It is never a wasted time to commune with our God. Ellen G. White wrote: “When you rise in the morning, … Read more

“I Am Still Behind You!” by Reva Lachica Moore

”I Am Still Behind You!” by Reva Lachica Moore This morning, JR, Mary Grace and I went to Walmart to get groceries, and before we entered the second door, Grace passed by the sanitizer dispenser to get wipes to put on her grocery cart handle. I lazily followed her since I usually just sit at … Read more

“Send Labourers to the Harvest” by Reva Lachica Moore

Adopt a Minister International – Send Laborers into the Harvest To God be the glory! This year is Adopt a Minister’s 23rd year. I thank God for letting me/us be a part in sharing Jesus before His soon return. Thank you so much to all our sponsors for your continued support of this ministry. AMI … Read more

“Repay Bad With Good” by Reva Lachica Moore

“Repay Bad with Good” by Reva Lachica Moore Last Friday, Kaitlyn told us that she had a wonderful day at school. The students had to make a puzzle and after they were done, they had to put a good comment on the puzzle card and give it to another student. “I was very surprised that … Read more

“Four Very Important Words” by Reva Lachica Moore

“Four Very Important Words” by Reva Lachica Moore “I love you”- three little words that could melt a hardened heart, erase doubt from a wary mind, lift up the downhearted, give assurance to a downcast soul. “I love you!” – three words that could conquer the world. I never thought that one added word to … Read more

“The Inner Tubes” by Reva Lachica Moore

“GOD Kept Them SAFE Again! – The Inner Tubes” by Reva Lachica Moore I held the camcorder tightly with one hand and my camera with the other, shielding them from splashes of the surging waves. The bass boat rocked while it pushed forward, slicing each passing wave. Behind the boat some 40 feet away, two … Read more