“My friend Emmit” by Reva Lachica Moore

“My Friend Emmit” by Reva Lachica Moore (I photo shopped the picture for illustration) Imagine this conversation between a Mom and Pop: “Look Dear, Emmit is down there again, begging for food.” “Oh that boy! He just won’t listen. Why can’t he find his own food? Why does he wait for handouts all the time?” … Read more

The Tumanod by Reva Lachica Moore

The “Tumanod” (Tumanod means Watcher) by Reva Lachica Moore (I am sharing this story sent by Pastor Marlon Manlapao, an adopted minister back in 2005. Pastor Manlapao is now employed by Western Mindanao Mission, Philippines). Do you believe that angels can show themselves to humans to deliver messages? I received this story from Pastor Marlon … Read more

An Interrupted Funeral by Reva Lachica Moore

“An Interrupted Funeral” by Reva Lachica Moore (Pictures borrowed from the internet) The worship service had started and the preacher was well on his way in his sermon when a man and his young son sitting in front of us stood up. I saw the boy whisper to his dad a minute earlier so I … Read more

“Pompei” by Reva Lachica Moore

“Pompei” by Reva Lachica Moore Upon hearing about Pompeii through the in-cabin TV advertisement of the cruise ship, I wanted to see the place. Imagine seeing the ruins of a city founded 6 centuries before Christ! “Umbrella” pine trees and souvenir shops dotted the entrance to the “ruins.” After we entered the gate, we could … Read more

“Create in me a heart, O Lord” by Reva Lachica Moore

“Create in Me a Pure Heart, O God” By Reva Lavhica Moore Trees enhance the beauty of a house and for this reason, when we built our Denham Springs house 40+ years ago, I insisted on keeping most of the trees on our jungle-like property. The trees also provide shade and keep our house cool … Read more

Ask for the Holy Spirit – my “untied” shoelaces

“Ask for the Holy Spirit” by Reva Lachica Moore (NOTE: I hope every Adopted Minister would read this and make your “asking for the Holy Spirit” foremost in your life.) It was in 1991 when I felt the Holy Spirit come into my life – like REALLY come. I believe it happened after I sought … Read more

“A Faithful God” by Reva Lachica Moore

A few years ago, we received a $3,600 TITHE donation to our ministry (Adopt a Minister International) from a 94-year-old woman with a note: “Tithe money for salaries of pastors only. It is a little more than usual.” This sponsor sends a yearly donation. NOTE: We have been doing our ministry – Adopt a Minister … Read more

January 2024 Baptisms

January 2024 BAPTISMS To God be the glory! 987 precious souls accepted Jesus through baptism last January 2024. Our 350+ adopted ministers are so enthusiastic in sharing Jesus in their neighborhoods and places in remote areas, towns and cities. CLC 26 CMM 50 CVC 57 DAVAO 39 NCMC 128 NEMM 301 SMM 140 WMC 61 … Read more

“A Dream and a Prayer “ by Reva Lachica Moore

“A Dream and a Prayer” by Reva Lachica Moore (Written in 2016) I woke up from a disturbing dream but this is not the first time that I had a foreboding dream. Often, I don’t really know what my dream would mean so I would always tell my husband JR and Mary Grace about my … Read more

“An ACT of Kindness” by Reva Lachica Moore

“An Act of Kindness” by Reva Lachica Moore Yesterday, we were driving on busy Airline Highway when we saw this scene at an intersection. The light had turned red and so we stopped. We were the third stopped car in the middle lane. On the right lane, an elderly man got out of his stopped … Read more