On Bended Knees by Reva Lachica Moore

On Bended Knees: A Miracle and Her Last Prayer

by Reva Lachica Wallace-Moore (Written in 2002)**

I had the privilege to write a weekly column for a California Newspaper for 18 years and wrote over 800 stories about everyday life with God and His great love for His children. I’d like to share with you one of the “Sharing Time” columns I wrote in 2002. Praise be to God!

A Miracle
Anxious, cold, and weary, I sat alone in the ICU waiting room of the Baton Rouge General Hospital. I couldn’t believe my husband Edwin was in a coma again! Six months earlier, he woke up from a three-day coma due to a malignant brain tumor. I wished I were just dreaming. It was 4:00 a.m. and I had sent my sons home to get some rest. The neurologist had met with us earlier giving us the bad news: “Your husband can no longer talk, is now blind, and paralyzed on his right side. And in 24 hours his kidneys will start to deteriorate.” In my heart I knew only a miracle could save him again.

Back at the hospital room the next night, my sons and I decided to pray seven times, like Elijah in the Bible who prayed for rain. On bended knees, we gathered around Edwin’s bed and prayed every few minutes. The nurse coming in and seeing us in prayer, stood by the slightly opened door ’til we said, AMEN. That night my oldest son stayed so I could go home and get some rest. At home I entered my walk-in closet and in the complete darkness, cried and begged God for another miracle.

The next morning, our prayers were answered. Edwin woke up NORMAL again to the amazement of the medical staff.
(My husband Edwin finally succumbed to cancer 6 months later. He died on July 8, 1999.)

Another story: “Her Last Prayer”

Do you love your downtrodden neighbor?

Betty was one of the “poor people” cared for by our church. A widow in her 70’s whose only son died, she lived alone. Plagued with Schizophrenia, Betty looked at the world in a child-like way—everyone should find time for her for she needed help. She didn’t have the ability to see anybody else’s point of view but only her own. She spent part of her day calling her church family: “Can you bring me food from Piccadilly?” “I need a ride to the doctor.” “Can you buy me a new pair of shoes for my birthday?” It seemed Betty thought only about herself – as what some folks concluded. She enjoyed going to the Country Singing Jamboree every Saturday night. Folks from church took turns to take her there. Scared about the pranks of the neighborhood kids, she had an alarm system installed. This made her feel safe. And each time the phone rang in church during services, everyone knew it was Betty. She had called for prayer, for she didn’t feel well to come to church.

Because of her mental illness, Betty complained about everything: Her ride being late; about not getting anyone when she called; about my van being too high for her to get in, and other things. Some folks avoided Betty for she was a bother. Yet, a number of folks found time for her. Delores picked Betty up so she could eat at her restaurant. Charity and Delores took turns to take her to the doctor. Chuck picked her up for church. Brad checked on her almost every day. The church elder made sure all her appliances worked. Mary cleaned her house every Friday. And Betty never failed to tell those who cared for her, “I prayed for you today” with a certain sweetness on her face.

One day nobody heard from Betty. Mary went to clean her house, but Betty didn’t answer the door. Alarmed about Mary’s phone call, Elder Gene who has a key to Betty’s house went to check on her. What he saw was absolutely shocking! Betty on bended knees and head slumped on her bed was dead! To some people, Betty was but a burr in their shoe for she had interrupted their everyday lives many times. But God placed Betty on this earth to remind us of the “downtrodden” folks—their lives and their needs.

1 John 5:14-15 “And this is the confidence that we have toward
Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of Him.”

Mary Grace, JR and I, together with all the adopted ministers, are claiming this Bible promise everyday until Jesus comes. The adopted ministers are on fire in serving God and sharing the 3 Angel’s Message with others. On bended knees, we earnestly pray that God will bless and impress you, our faithful sponsors so that the adopted ministers can continue working for Him. Thank you for your financial support and prayers.

Please send your tax-deductible gift to:

Mailing address:

Adopt a Minister International
18027 Glen Park Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70817

Website: https://www.a-a-m.org
Telephone #: (225) 664-8174
E-mail address (Reva’s): revawall@bellsouth.net

On bended knees, let’s continue to pray for one another and encourage each other in our daily walk with our Father. Jesus is coming very soon!

In His service,
Reva, JR and Mary Grace