“An Act of Kindness” by Reva Lachica Moore
Yesterday, we were driving on busy Airline Highway when we saw this scene at an intersection. The light had turned red and so we stopped. We were the third stopped car in the middle lane. On the right lane, an elderly man got out of his stopped car and walked toward the front of his car. The car’s emergency lights were blinking.
We knew right away that the man probably has car trouble. But surprisingly, the car in front of us moved to the back of the elderly man’s car with blinking lights turned on. We were amazed! How nice of whoever this person is to put his car and himself in harm’s way – to shield the stopped car and the elderly man.
From the rescuing car, a woman driver with cell phone in her hand, came out. She held one hand up to alert the coming cars. A minute or so later, the elderly man went back to his car and sped away. Then the woman went back to her car and drove off since everything was OK.
Would you have done what that woman did? Place your car to shield the other person’s car? I know I wouldn’t do it.
This scene made me think of our Savior Jesus Christ who placed Himself in harm’s way to shield us all. And He did not just shield us. He placed Himself in harm’s way (even died on the cross) for you and for me.
John 3:16 “ For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believerth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”