Adopt a Minister International – December 2020
A Blind Leading the Blind
In 2007 while I was in the Philippines, I was told that a couple wanted to talk to me. Waiting for me were Brother Al and his wife. Brother Al asked if I could place him under the “Adopt a Minister” program and that his wife would go with him when he gave Bible studies. Brother Al is blind, but had mastered the Bible, quoting Bible texts from memory. Each month for 13 years, I received e-mails and pictures of baptisms of those who accepted Jesus because of Brother Al. Sadly though, Brother Al passed away last December 2020. Hundreds of people found Jesus through Brother’s Al’s faithful work. To God be the glory!
Ordination of 6 Former adopted ministers
They are 6 of the 300+ theology graduates that I had placed under Adopt a Minister in 2005. They were employed by the local mission (Southern Mindanao Mission) 12 years later. Finally, after 15 years as mission workers, they finally got ordained as full-pledged ministers. A theology graduate has to be married and serve a certain number of years before ordination.
Hundreds of BAPTISMS last December
I received only some baptism reports from our nearly 300 adopted ministers. There are hundreds of baptisms, but due to the strict covid guidelines of the Philippine President, they didn’t post baptism pictures on the AMI-Philippines FaceBook page. They do not want to be questioned by the Philippine authorities. Still, by the first week of December 2020, there were already over 51,000 baptisms just in South Philippines alone.
ZIMBABWE Adopted Ministers
Two theology graduates in Zimbabwe were placed under Adopt a Minister last December 2020. Pastors Bongani Masikizi and John Makwavarara are two of dozens of unemployed theology graduates in Zimbabwe. Unemployed due to lack of funds. We are praying for God to bless more so we’d be able to adopt many more theology graduates in Zimbabwe. To God be the glory!
Thank you for your continued support through the years. We always pray for you and may God continue to bless you with good health, safety, protection and the Holy Spirit until His soon return. Jesus is coming very, very soon!
Please help us finish the work through the help of the adopted ministers. Thanks so much!
Our website:
God bless,
Reva, JR & Mary Grace