Newsletter February 2025

Adopt a Minister International – “Send Labourers to His Harvest”

Baptism is a most solemn renunciation of the world. Those who are baptized in the threefold name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, at the very entrance of their Christian life, declare publicly that they have forsaken the service of Satan and have become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King.” (Evangelism, p. 307)

February 2025 Baptisms

Central Mindanao Mission – 25

Central Luzon Conference – 34

Central Visayan Conference – 35

Davao Mission /N. DM-91

NorthEastern Mindanao Mission/S. Central Mindanao – 331

Southern Mindanao Mission – 82

Western Mindanao Conference – 32

West Visayan Conference – 38

Zamboanga Peninsula Mission – 35

Negros Occidental Conference – 103

Romblon Adventist Mission – 10

Total: 816

I usually write something during my birth month. So here I am again. First of all, I’d like to thank my Almighty Father for the unending love and support! He’s been my constant from the time I was born.

As look at my pictures above, I can’t help but be filled with gratitude. The little girl on the left picture who started playing the piano at her grandparent’s house, performed in front of a crowd, shy and uncertain of her future. But one things she was sure of…she wanted to be a missionary through her music. Although she didn’t know how and when that was going to fall into place. But when the right time came, God surprised her. Took her to Louisiana, met a wonderful Christian lady who became her adoptive Mom. The rest is history, so they say.

When I get to heaven one day, I’d love to see how God orchestrated it all – the heartaches, the pain, the rejections…they all became blessings in disguise, my beauty for ashes.

I’m beyond grateful to all the wonderful people in my life who had helped me become who I am today. I wouldn’t be here without your love and support.

I’d like to share this video of when the elders from different churches who attended my concert in Florida last Sabbath prayed a special prayer for me. Thanks Pr. And Mrs. Roberts for this wonderful opportunity.

The vid is 5 minutes long but it meant so much! This prayer is not just for me but also for those whom God has called to serve Him and others. Even if sometimes we may feel inadequate, let’s always remember that God has a purpose for each of us and that before we were born He has already planned our lives for us.

Please click on the link below to watch the video:

I’m thankful that God gave the dream/vision/burden to my adoptive Mom Reva for the poor students, poor families and unemployed Theology graduates. I’m blessed to be a part of this ministry and to work for the best Boss (Jesus) there is!

I’ve been blessed to have wonderful grandparents who had been there for me from the very beginning and who supported me in my dream of becoming a pianist. Thankful that my grandma is still with us. She’s 97 years young!

Thank you to all our sponsors for your selfless generosity, we wouldn’t have come this far in the ministry with the adopted ministers baptizing about 40,000 precious souls every year if not for your financial support and prayers. Also, thanks to the adopted ministers for all your hardwork and sacrifices!

Please continue to support Adopt a Minister International. The adopted ministers need you. The underserved need you. We pray for God’s continued provision as we continue to serve Him!

To God bless the glory!

Please send your tax-deductible love gift to, Adopt a Minister International:

Mailing address:

Adopt a Minister International c/o Reva Moore

– 18027 Glen Park Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70817



Telephone #: 225 664 8174

Matthew 9:37-38 – Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

In His service
Mary Grace with Mom Reva and Dad JR