September Baptisms, plus the Subanon Tribe Ministry Report.
Baptism is an important event in the life of a Christian. Jesus’ baptism is a perfect example of surrendering one self to the Father. When John the Baptist baptized Jesus, he taught us that baptism by immersion was symbolic of a turning away from sin and raising to a new life with Christ. John 3:5 says: “Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.”
September Baptism Report – God has blessed the efforts of the adopted ministers with 1,486 precious souls for His honor and glory! (Not all baptisms have been reported)
Central Visayan Conference – 93 souls
Western Mindanao Conference – 49 precious souls
Southern Caraga Mission/Southern Mindanao Mission – 451 souls
Northern Davao Mission/Davao Mission – 166 souls
S Central Mindanao Mission/NE Mindanao Mission – 319 souls
Central Luzon Conference/CM/MM – 68 souls
Central Mindanao Mission – 63 souls
Negros Occidental Conference – 45 souls
W Visayan Conference – 149 souls
N Central Mindanao Conference – 40 souls
Zamboanga Peninsula Mission – 15 souls
Samar – 12 souls
John Hero – 16 souls
he Subanon (also spelled Subanen or Subanun) are an indigenous people of the Zamboanga peninsula area, particularly living in the mountainous areas of Mindanao Island, Philippines.
Subanon means “a person or people of the river”. The Subanon people practice a polytheistic religion and believe in a variety of gods, spirits, demons, and ghosts. They make offerings of rice, meat, and wine to the gods and ancestral spirits. Witch doctors, or shamans, play a large role in Subanon religion. But thanks to Pastor Nehlu and team, many have come to know the Lord and have been baptized.Many thanks to Coquille SDA Church in Oregon for sponsoring Pastor Nehlu and two laymen to share Jesus and His salvation to the Subanon people. Coquille SDA Church has also sponsored in the building of 5 churches for the Subanon tribe and two more churches in Western Visayas. To God be the glory!
Please continue to support the Adopt a Minister International through your financial help and prayers. Pastor Nehlu is just one of the 350 adopted ministers who has dedicated his life to God’s work through thick or thin. They badly need monthly stipends. We have helped over a thousand of unemployed Theology graduates through the years. Praise be to God! Most adopted ministers are assigned in unentered territories which means that they have to walk through muddy roads when it rains, scale treacherous mountains and cross the river to minister to the people. Majority of our adopted ministers are only receiving $40/month if we have funds to send them. We pray that you will consider supporting the adopted ministers in your year-end gift giving and always! We have come this far, 24 years of serving God through our voluntary work because of you, our sponsors, whose generosity has supported these adopted ministers. Jesus is coming very soon! |
Please send your tax-deductible love gift to, Adopt a Minister International: Mailing address: Matthew 9:37-38 – 37 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. 38 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” |
In His service, |