Activities of the Adopted Ministers

**Hello, Everyone. The Lord had impressed me to send a newsletter again with “pictures” to let everyone know that our funds are so low still and I am NOT able to send stipends this month. We still have over 350 adopted theology graduates (mostly new and several have been with us for a few years). Hundreds of our former adopted ministers in the past years are now employed and several are mission officers. To God be the glory!**

I’ve been praying that God will abundantly bless you and impress you to send help to Adopt a Minister. Our adopted ministers have families and they need food. Most of them have children and they live in shabby houses but they love working for Jesus in spite of the low stipend. Every dollar donation helps. In the past few months I was able to send only $40 monthly stipend to them. Thank you for hearing their pleas.

**Adopt a Minister International website:**

**Our address is:**
**Adopt a Minister International **
**18027 Glen Park Drive**
**Baton Rouge, LA 70817**

**Phone: 225-664-8174**


I receive hundreds of pictures and sharing some here. They do home visitations and give Bible studies. Many are hungry for the WORD.

They give crusades in neighborhoods for several nights and after the crusades, they have many baptisms. To God be the glory!

The neighborhood children love attending VBS, Branch Sabbath School and nightly meetings and they share Jesus to their families.

A dozen elderlies (widows and widower in their 80’s and 90’s) get Sabbath meals and rice for a week. AMI sends funds for their food.

We have a few prison ministries. AMI sends funds to two prisons for Sabbath meals of the baptized inmates who attend Sabbath services.

The adopted ministers report around 2,000 baptisms each month. Help me pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured abundantly to us all, for Jesus is soon to come.

Thank you to all our sponsors through the years. This is the 24th year of Adopt a Minister International. We are able to send help only to those in the Philippines now because of low donations. But our sponsored theology students (now graduates and mission officers) in other countries have many baptisms. God be praised for giving us a part in His work, for He will soon come.